Need the best card machine? Get your hassle-free quote now!
Need the best card machine? Get your hassle-free quote now!
Card Reader Comparison

Lowest prices
on card machines!

Act now, get a competitive quote in just seconds, with low rates, great support and be up and running as soon as tomorrow!


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How it works in four easy steps

Get started with a quick quote now

Get started with a quick quote now

It's so easy to get a competitive price for a card reader, get started in seconds! All it takes a quick click!

We get to work quickly

We get to work quickly

Our team works across 50 payment providers to get you the most competitive deal with the lowest rates, so your taking card payments will cost you less than you think. Plus, we work exceptionally fast because time is money.

Get the card terminal with the lowest rates

Get the card terminal with the lowest rates

We'll work hard with the right provider to make sure you get your card machine as quickly as possible, so you can save £££'s on every transaction straightaway!

Job done

Job done

You've got the card reader, so you need to help with setup or support we're always ready to help!

Get the card machine you need, for less! It's that simple

Competitive rates

We are so motivated and passionate about getting you the best deal, that we work extra hard to get you the the lowest rates!

Have it your way it's so easy

We make taking payments even easier, by working with the providers to give you the most flexible way to get a card terminal. From owning one (also known as 'Pay As You Go') to renting one (otherwise known as a contract) we work harder to make sure you've got the best deal in place.

Get a professional, reliable and cost saving card reader that you'll swear by

Don't get stung staying up late at night stressing about expensive rates and pricey rentals for your business. Relax and we'll do all the hard work getting you the card terminal you need at the lowest rates. Plus, we don't charge you any fees for getting a quotation.

Everything we do is no-obligation for your peace of mind

We provide you with the fast, hassle free way to source the machine that suits your business needs - quickly and efficiently, with no stress or fuss. Remember, every quote from us is without obligation! So don't stress, get a quote from our professional team right now.

Get A Quote

Why choose Card Reader Comparison
to help your business?

We put your first

We put your first

We work exceptionally hard to get you the right card terminal at the most competitive rates.

We keep it simple

We keep it simple

We compare the best deals from tons of providers quickly, saving you all the hard work, time and hassle - all with no obligation.

Always the lowest rates

Always the lowest rates

We know that price is important, but we also know everyone has different needs. That’s why we let you filter your results to find the right one for you.

Flexible options

Flexible options

As well as the best rates, we search for the most flexible terms you need - making your life a lot less stressful.

See our latest Card Reader Comparison client reviews!

Get your quote right now! Here's why:

We are here to make taking payments from customers - easy, stress free and absolutely effortless. Plus, we can source more flexible options too. We aren't happy, unless you're happy - so we compare loads of lenders to make 100% sure we've got you the best deal.

We operate right across the UK and work with clients across multiple sectors from startups to established businesses. We know that every business needs a better money saving deal on taking card payments, so no matter where you're business is at - we are here to help to get you the best card terminal with the lowest rates - with no obligation!

Plus, we are here day and night to help you get a competitive quote , with no hassle and no obligation. With us, there's no obligation and no hassle - after all, it's your time and stress we're saving! Don't forget - we are open out of hours, just one more thing we do to put you first and help your business.

Reliable Quotes – We are here to get you the best quote for supporting and growing your business.

Trusted By Real People – Our service is used by 100s of business owners just like you every day, and we've got plenty of great reviews too!

Always Easy – We take the time, hassle, stress out of dealing with over 20 providers, to get you the best deal at the lowest rates.

Get A Free Quote – Get your free quote, on demand - from anywhere, any device at any time. We'll get to work to find the perfect deal at the most competitive rates - quickly.

No Obligation Quote – There's no obligation at all, no stress and no salespeople, simple! So why wait any longer?

Flexible Deals – We'll work just as hard, to find you the flexible options available - from pay as you go to contracts.

Get A Free Online Quote >

Get started now, we'll save you money!

Get started now, we'll help you and your  business!

Get started now, we'll help you and your business!

Time is money and life is busy, we get it! So, unlike some other websites, we just make getting your most competitive quote quickly and easily. In fact, you can get a no-obligation quote right now, from any device, any time from anywhere. Get Started Right Now!
Get the right card terminal that saves your  business money

Get the right card terminal that saves your business money

You want to support your customers, so why let a large upfront charge or expensive rates you off? Well with us, because when you get a competitive quote we work extra hard to make it as easy and as affordable as you need!

Every quote is fully inclusive so with us, the price you see is the price you pay - simple! So get the complete package by getting a quick quote right now.
Get A Free Quote Now!

Help & Advice:

We are always here to help, so we've put together a list of the most commonly asked questions raised by business owners just like you!

So just click on any of the below questions below to find out more …

Does Getting A Quote Mean I'm Obligated?

No - so here's what happens. When you get a quote from us, you know we'll move heaven and earth to get you the best price but you're not obligated. We're 100% certain you won't get a better rates.

Will I Get A Nagging Sales Call?

Not from us! We don't employ pushy sales people, what we do is find you the most competitive quote in order to help you save a fortune off getting funding elsewhere.

How Can I Really Trust Card Reader Comparison?

Every day we help many business owners just like you, from around the UK to get the most competitive quotes around. You can trust us, just check out our reviews on our home page. You can see just how happy our customers are.

Is It Simple To Get A Quote?

Absolutely, in fact it's never been easier to get a quote from us. We just make it so quick, simple and easy - after all getting a quote shouldn't be hard! So we make sure it's effortless!

Check Out Our Latest News:

Our blog has plenty of tips, tricks and useful info plus money-saving advice.

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Get the card machine you need quickly, without the stress.