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Card Reader Comparison

Cheapest Card Payment Machines For Small Businesses

There are a number of card machines out there, from the conventional card machines all the way to the new stylish and compact small card readers from the big brand names. So clearly not an easy choice at first glance, but it's worth pointing out that sometimes the most stylish isn't always the best as the transaction fees can be more expensive than a traditional card machine.

Another thing to mention is that the upfront charges for PDQ machines and small, compact card readers can be widely different so it's always a good idea to find out what the charge will be, before you make that purchase.

Best Card Reader For Small Businesses?

There's no simple answer here, because it comes down to a number of key things listed below.

Monthly turnover - depending on how much your card transactions amount to, you may need to choose between a contract card machine or one that's on as a pay as you go tariff.

Transaction Fees - there are fees for a number of things, from authorising the card payment, issuing a refund and more. Also, the fees can depend up on not only the amount of the card transaction, but what type of card the customer is using.

A Card Machine Without Needing A Business Account?

The answer here is yes, which means that sole traders can now get their hands on a card machine and start taking payments from customers. All this, without the hassle of having to have a business account is super helpful. It's worth mentioning that merchant accounts may have access to more features then sole traders when it comes to card machine and payment processing features.

Delivery Time For A Card Machine

So when ordering a card termninal, it's a good idea to find out exactly when it will arrive. Not only that, but it's worth finding how about getting it setup too. Often you'll need to switch it on and do a test payment which tends to be easy, but do ask. Another thing to enquire about is if your card machine arrives late - this is a good question to ask, especially if you have a new store opening!

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