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Card Reader Comparison

How Do I Compare The Best Mobile Card Machines

Well, before we cover that question it's important to ask why accept card oayments in the first place? Well that's because now, more than ever, more consumers expect to pay by card, on demand. This has an extra benefit because it means that consumers are also open to making impulse purchases which drive up sales even more (particularly during certain seasons).

We've seen demand for card readers increment lately and that's because they're more popular, easily portable and stylish than ever. Plus there's so much choice with pricing (pay as you go vs contract rental) and regular offers and incentives that payment providers are making available to both new and established businsess (inc. sole traders) that there's never been a better time to get a card machine. This being said, even if you have a card reader then it's always worth looking around to see if you can get a better deal elsewhere.

Don't forget flexibility too, because gone are the days when you had to have a clunky PDQ machine with wires all over the place. In fact, these days there are a few great options to look at.

Which Mobile Card Machine Do I Need?

This is easy question to answer because there are just three simple types to choose from. The best thing is, each one is specifically created to be easy to use.

Mobile Card Machine - these are perfect for businesses who are on go, serving customers where they live. So, for example businesses we're thinking of include taxi drivers, mobile electricians, boiler installers, plumbers, mobile car mechanics and many more too. The real advantage of these card machines is that they work anywhere where there's a GPRS signal (just like a mobile phone). Also, they can process a card payment from a customer in mere seconds with no hassle and no delays.

Talking of delays, if you've got one of those cumbersome battery sapping alternatives which relies on connecting to a mobile phone via Bluetooth to get an internet connection, you'll be all to familiar with the hassle to set it up, then lose connection and then there's the endless wait for thing to switch on. What you need is a mobile card machine that you can count on, on demand, from anywhere. With quick start times, long battery life and instant payment processing without delays or hassle isn't it time you switched-up?

Portable Card Machine - these are well suited to locations like cafes, restaurants and hair salons amongst others. This is because they don't have cables everywhere and are simply taken to the customer, for them to make the contactless payment. The only thing you need, is a nearby WiFi connection which will allow the card reader to process the payment. Of course, if your WiFi doesn't quite reach don't worry, you can easily get some decent WiFi extenders for not much money to make sure your entire establishent is WiFi covered.

Countertop Card Machine - ideally used at the till, these neat and familiar looking PDQ machines are situated where the customer places their order (for say a cup of coffee and cake). They can take card payments quickly and easily and can either connect using a network cable, Bluetooth or WiFi. As well as being a familar sight for a customer, they can print a handy receipt and are super easy to setup and use.

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