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The Best Credit Card Machines For Small Business

As a small business, whether you're a coffee shop or simply about to open your first shop one of the first things you'll need to do is take payments. We're not talking about cash here, because it's losing popularity by the day and as we all know all consumers who are going to make a purchase from your shop, or who are simply thinking about making a purchase will have a card on them. I mean, if you only want cash sales that's going to really inconvenience customers and who wants to do that?

So, you know you need a card machine, but the question is, which card machine do you need and, most importantly, which credit card machine is the right one for you and your business? Well that's why you're here! So read on for the best credit card machines for small business.

What Is Going To Be The Best Card Machine For My Small Business?

There are a lot of things you'll need to decide before going on to find the best card machine. Such as what features do you need, what rates do you expect to pay, do you need a card machine on a contract or pay as you go? Also what features are you going to need and do you want instant settlement or can you wait for a few days before settlement?

What Kinds Of Card Machine Are There For Small Businesses?

There are just three kinds of mobile card machines, and each type works every small business out there. For example, businesses that have a conventional till are suited, as are businesses that are mobile so too are businesses where the customer is served on their table. So use this guide below to find out which kind of mobile card machine is right for your business.

Mobile card machines - they are ideal for businesses who are on the go, such as mobile hair dressers, personal trainers, taxi drivers, dog walkers, gas engineers and more. The reason they are so good is because they use a built-in data sim (just like a mobile phone) so they can connect to the internet and take payments from anywhere. Plus, with no bulky wires or fiddly bluetooth connections to worry about they are so reliable too.

Countertop card machines - these are perfect for businesses that have a dedicated counter for customers to place orders and issue payments, such as independent DIY stores, cafes, bars and cornershops, etc. Plus they can connect to the internet to take payments using a variety of methods - from typical wired network cables, through to using WiFi and even using the old fashioned PSTN telephone line too.

Portable card machines - if you run a restaurant then these are a must have, because they allow the staff to take payment from the customer at his/her table. With reliable WiFi connection conveniently built-in, processing the payment is done in an instant with no fuss at all. On top of this, they're lightweight and easy to carry too. Plus there's no wires to worry about making them the right choice for restaurants across the UK.

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